APW Wyott - M-83 240V

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Bun Grill Toaster Model DM SSIZOV M 83 208V M 83 240V PRODUCT QUANTITY ITEM Designed Smart Developed for high output The APW Wyott M 83 Bun Grill can generate up to 1600 Bun Halves per hour Bun Grill is available with Super Feeder to allow for high volume production Fast warm up allows your operation to react to surges in volume Perfectly Carmelized Buns all the time Patented self leveling conveyor automatically adjusts to various sizes of buns bagels and Texas Toast Butter roller and pan consistently covers buns with the perfect amount of butter Durable steel griddle plate is controlled with an electro mechanical thermostat adjustable to temperatures between 200 and 500 degrees Easy to Maintain and ...